Title: Leitura 1, Leitura 2 & Leitura 3
Author: Solar Colégios​​​​​​​
Publisher: Solar Colégios
About: Solar Colégios in São Paulo, Brasil, hired me to illustrate and design their collection of three reading books: they required a simple illustration style for the covers, story illustrations and also activities illustrations. They also needed a crisp and objective book design for the activity pages as these books are aimed at 5 year olds who are learning to read and spell words. So, this collection falls both in the categories of Literature and Educational.

My biggest challenge with this project was to keep the balance between illustrating and making the pages as readable as possible. Also the big volume of photo images was a challenge as I had to edit and correct each of them.

It was a big project that I got to illustrate and design and the most rewarding aspect was to see the client's satisfaction and happiness with it while being fully aware that these books will be used in children's formative years and that I did a good job fulfilling this very important request.
Book 1 - A selection of illustrations for the short stories:
Book 1 - Character development and design:
Book 1 - Some process of selected illustrations:
Book 1 - Assorted illustrations for activity pages:
Book 1 - Assorted page design:
Book 2 - Cover illustration and design:
Book 2 - Assorted short stories illustrations:
Book 2 - Assorted page design:
Book 3 - Cover illustration and design:
Book 3 - Assorted page design and poem illustrations:
Contact: oliviapintoilustra@gmail.com
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